The Buzz on Business & Computer Science
Starting in Grade 9 with BTT1O - Information and Communication Technology in Business
Business education at BRDHS starts with BTT1O where students will develop advanced computer skills needed to succeed in school, the workplace and beyond. In this project-based course, students will learn to create professional business documents using software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as well as online coding and design tools. Students will develop effective communication and teamwork skills in a collaborative environment. This course opens the door to future learning opportunities in business studies, computer science and computer engineering.
Course Offerings:
Grade 10
BBI2O, Introduction to Business
ICS2O, Introduction to Computer Science
Grade 11
BAF3M, Introduction to Financial Accounting
BMI3C, Marketing
CLU3M, Canadian Law
ICS3U, Introduction to Computer Science
Grade 12
IDC4U, Building Financial Securities
BBB4M, International Business
CLN4U, Canadian & International Law
ICS4U, Computer Science
Mrs. St. Pierre
Mr. Holmes
Mr. Horvat