Experiential Learning includes: Co-op, OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program), SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major) and Dual Credit. These opportunities give Essex High students the chance to try out different careers, and make informed decisions about their future pathways.
Benefits of Experiential Learning
To the student:
- Expands academic, social, and occupational skills.
- Develops skills to work effectively and efficiently with others.
- Helps in career decisions.
- Facilitates the transition from high school to higher educational institutions and /or the workplace.
- Provides a method of earning credits for a diploma.
- Develops an awareness of business, industrial, and community expectations.
- Provides students with contacts in the business world.
- Provides the student with special individual instructions and training.
To the employer:
- Can feel pride in contributing to the growth and development of the student.
- Provides a pool of potential employees with on-the-job practical experience.
- Gains assistance from the student in helping with business duties.
To the school:
- Develops and maintains a better relationship with business, industry, and community.
- Helps to be aware of current trends in business, industry, and community.
- Allows for continuous on-going evaluation of curriculum to make it current and relevant.
- Provides a more complete picture of overall student performance.
- Creates a favourable impression of the school in the community.
** REMINDER - If you have chosen Co-op in your Course Selection through myBlueprint, you will be notified by a Co-op teacher for additional information regarding placement.
For more information about these programs, please make an appointment through Edsby with your guidance counsellor or speak to our Co-op teachers.